
Reach Your Goals!

phone icon 513-936-9675 mail icon [email protected]

At JVS Careers, our approach is personal and our network is wide. Whether you're looking for a job, or needing to fill a position, we're here to help you.

Hours of Operation—by appointment only:

Monday 8:30 AM—5:00 PM
Tuesday 8:30 AM—5:00 PM
Wednesday 8:30 AM—5:00 PM
Thursday 8:30 AM—5:00 PM
Friday 8:30 AM—3:00 PM

For secular and religious holiday closures, please check our calendar.

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JVS Careers respects your privacy. For more information, visit our Privacy Policy page.

Our Offices

Located in Cincinnati, Ohio, JVS Careers strengthens our local community, and beyond, by helping people and organizations match up and connect.

About Us